Command Preloading by Daniel Stelzer

(for Glulx only)

"A simple way to preload input onto the command line before the player begins to type."


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


You wrote 'Include (- [ VM_KeyChar win nostat done res [...] "^";
#endif; ! ECHO_COMMANDS ]; -) instead of "Keyboard Input" in "Glulx.i6t"' command preloading by daniel
stelzer: but this syntax was withdrawn in
April 2022, in favour of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See
the manual, but you can probably get what you want using 'replacing
"SomeFunctionName".' rather than 'instead of ...'.
Copy Include Command Preloading by Daniel Stelzer to clipboard Include Command Preloading by Daniel Stelzer.
This provides a simple way to preload the command line, so that there are already some letters there in the buffer when the player starts to type.

preload the command "take "

This phrase puts "take " into the input buffer as though the player had typed it when their next command begins.
Command Preloading (for Glulx only) by Daniel Stelzer begins here.

"A simple way to preload input onto the command line before the player begins to type."

"based on I6 code by Andrew Plotkin"

The preloaded input buffer is initially "".
To empty the preloaded input buffer (this is preload-reset): now the preloaded input buffer is "".
To preload the command (T - text): now the preloaded input buffer is T.

Include (-

[ VM_KeyChar win nostat done res ix jx ch;
   jx = ch; ! squash compiler warnings
   if (win == 0) win = gg_mainwin;
   if (gg_commandstr ~= 0 && gg_command_reading ~= false) {
     done = glk_get_line_stream(gg_commandstr, gg_arguments, 31);
     if (done == 0) {
       glk_stream_close(gg_commandstr, 0);
       gg_commandstr = 0;
       gg_command_reading = false;
       ! fall through to normal user input.
     } else {
       ! Trim the trailing newline
       if (gg_arguments->(done-1) == 10) done = done-1;
       res = gg_arguments->0;
       if (res == '\') {
         res = 0;
         for (ix=1 : ix<done : ix++) {
           ch = gg_arguments->ix;
           if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
             @shiftl res 4 res;
             res = res + (ch-'0');
           } else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') {
             @shiftl res 4 res;
             res = res + (ch+10-'a');
           } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') {
             @shiftl res 4 res;
             res = res + (ch+10-'A');
          jump KCPContinue;
   done = false;
   while (~~done) {
     switch (gg_event-->0) {
       5: ! evtype_Arrange
       if (nostat) {
         res = $80000000;
         done = true;
       2: ! evtype_CharInput
       if (gg_event-->1 == win) {
         res = gg_event-->2;
         done = true;
     ix = HandleGlkEvent(gg_event, 1, gg_arguments);
     if (ix == 2) {
       res = gg_arguments-->0;
       done = true;
     } else if (ix == -1) done = false;
   if (gg_commandstr ~= 0 && gg_command_reading == false) {
     if (res < 32 || res >= 256 || (res == '\' or ' ')) {
       glk_put_char_stream(gg_commandstr, '\');
       done = 0;
       jx = res;
       for (ix=0 : ix<8 : ix++) {
         @ushiftr jx 28 ch;
         @shiftl jx 4 jx;
         ch = ch & $0F;
         if (ch ~= 0 || ix == 7) done = 1;
         if (done) {
           if (ch >= 0 && ch <= 9) ch = ch + '0';
           else ch = (ch - 10) + 'A';
           glk_put_char_stream(gg_commandstr, ch);
     } else {
       glk_put_char_stream(gg_commandstr, res);
     glk_put_char_stream(gg_commandstr, 10); ! newline
   return res;

[ VM_KeyDelay tenths key done ix;
   while (~~done) {
     ix = HandleGlkEvent(gg_event, 1, gg_arguments);
     if (ix == 2) {
       key = gg_arguments-->0;
       done = true;
     else if (ix >= 0 && gg_event-->0 == 1 or 2) {
       key = gg_event-->2;
       done = true;
   return key;

[ VM_ReadKeyboard a_buffer a_table done ix;
   if (gg_commandstr ~= 0 && gg_command_reading ~= false) {
     done = glk_get_line_stream(gg_commandstr, a_buffer+WORDSIZE,
     if (done == 0) {
       glk_stream_close(gg_commandstr, 0);
       gg_commandstr = 0;
       gg_command_reading = false;
     else {
       ! Trim the trailing newline
       if ((a_buffer+WORDSIZE)->(done-1) == 10) done = done-1;
       a_buffer-->0 = done;
       glk_put_buffer(a_buffer+WORDSIZE, done);
       print "^";
       jump KPContinue;
   done = false;
   VM_PrintToBuffer(a_buffer, INPUT_BUFFER_LEN-WORDSIZE, TEXT_TY_Say, (+ preloaded input buffer +)); !!! CHANGED
   glk_request_line_event(gg_mainwin, a_buffer+WORDSIZE, INPUT_BUFFER_LEN-WORDSIZE, a_buffer-->0); !!! CHANGED
   ((+ preload-reset +)-->1)(); !!! CHANGED
   while (~~done) {
     switch (gg_event-->0) {
       5: ! evtype_Arrange
       3: ! evtype_LineInput
       if (gg_event-->1 == gg_mainwin) {
         a_buffer-->0 = gg_event-->2;
         done = true;
     ix = HandleGlkEvent(gg_event, 0, a_buffer);
     if (ix == 2) done = true;
     else if (ix == -1) done = false;
   if (gg_commandstr ~= 0 && gg_command_reading == false) {
     glk_put_buffer_stream(gg_commandstr, a_buffer+WORDSIZE, a_buffer-->0);
     glk_put_char_stream(gg_commandstr, 10); ! newline
   ! It's time to close any quote window we've got going.
   if (gg_quotewin) {
     glk_window_close(gg_quotewin, 0);
     gg_quotewin = 0;
   #ifdef ECHO_COMMANDS;
   print "** ";
   for (ix=WORDSIZE: ix<(a_buffer-->0)+WORDSIZE: ix++) print (char) a_buffer->ix;
   print "^";
   #endif; ! ECHO_COMMANDS

-) instead of "Keyboard Input" in "Glulx.i6t".

Command Preloading ends here.